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🕊️ Not a shout of boredom in Hokkien.
But Scripturally Inspired Art of Native Species. Its purpose is twofold. First, to remind us of, and encourage us through, God’s eternal and transformative word. Then, to acquaint us with the local biodiversity that our Lord has richly blessed Singapore. So that we would appreciate them more as part of our stewardship mandate. Thus, all the species that we encounter here are found locally.
As I’d just started this set, please pardon the sparseness and scuffs.
Genesis 1:21 - GOD created great sea creatures (and more)

Theological Notes
- God, is a God of order (1 Cor 13:43). Thus the structure reflected here.
- Order and organisation doesn’t mean blandness, however. Behold the diversity of life that God had created through His Words, by the Word (Gen 1: 3 - 31). I’ve tried to evince this through the limited showcase here, from plankton to predators and pisces to plants.
- God was (is still) pleased with His creation. He created [ex nihilo](https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/what-does-ex-nihilo-mean#:~:text=Ex nihilo means that there,of it with God Himself.). As His image bearer, creating this print using what God had first created, helps me experience a sliver of His satisfaction.
Biological Notes
- Most of the major phyla are represented. Some are starkly missing, however; the Annelida (segmented worms), for instance. It’s an irony given my (past academic) specialisation on this group.
- The molluscs (muscular foot) are the most featured phylum with 5 species shown. Can you spot all of them?
- The Horseshoe Crab is really not a crab at all, but more closely allied to spiders, scorpions and mites ([sub]Phylum Chelicerata) due to the presence of an appendage called the chelicerae. Two species are found locally: Carcinoscorpious rotundicauda and Tachypleus gigas.
Personal Notes
- This print is one of my favourites. It first featured in the ABSeas capsule, but I think it’s most appropriate here. It’s also the series that has been the most consuming.